L's Bravo Viewtiful on Monday 20 May 2013 | 5/20/2013 04:36:00 pm | 0 comments

sebut chiiikuuu~ myungsoo nak ambik gambar korang lol

Hai blog nie dah lama tak update kan omg hhaha paham paham jelah ek admin semua sibuk, almaklumlah musim exam sekarang kan. tapi aku tengah cuti miahahahaa. Dasar pemalas /slap myself/

Ayo! rasanya masih belum terlambat kan untuk aku cerita sedihkit pasal ke-bravo-an photobook si myungsoo nie kan lol. Aku ekceli tak buat persediaan ape ape pun utk update sebenaunya nie .__. tadi usha usha blog nie mcm sunyi je fyi, this is my first entry ever! lol sebelum ni admin lain yang updated /pemalas gilos aghfbjd aku ni /

[TRANS] L's Bravo Viewtiful :: 'Profile' & 'Essay Book Keywords'

[TRANS] L's Bravo Viewtiful :: 01 "The 1st 29 Days"

[TRANS] L's Bravo Viewtiful :: 黒 (Black), 秋 (Autumn), Hongdae Front Gate

[TRANS] L's Bravo Viewtiful :: Sunset at Eulwangri Beach, From The Roof Parking Lot of Sinchon Station

[TRANS] L's Bravo Viewtiful :: Analog Polaroids, Above The Clouds, A Walk

source; from {her}

Translation of L's Bravo Viewtiful: Message To Sunggyu

TO. Sunggyu Hyung
I’m sorry I couldn’t be with you. (t/n: during Sunggyu’s solo stages)
We were always together on stage.
Hyung, how are you feeling right now?
Just like Hyung’s first solo album’s title song “Another Me”, I thought.
Not being bounded by the name “Infinite”, but to stand alone as “Another Me”, isn’t that a scary thing?
But, because it is Sunggyu Hyung.
Because he is our cool leader who can do better than anyone else.
Because I remember by heart what Hyung always says, “If it’s me, I would have done better.”
Because our Sunggyu Hyung is the best!
source: L’s Bravo Viewtiful | translated by: sungheol

Kepada yang tak dapat beli photobook ni ;____; jom cuci mata kat sini lol nasib baik teknologi canggih =___=

apakah yang dinyatakan oleh beliao dalam kertas kuning itu ? hehe tenung gambar bwh.

alahaii comel "my" ........"is".........

masih ingatkah kalian dgn payung hitam [?] ini kekeke

click gambar utk ke official blog bravoviewtiful

pic cr to {tumblr}

"sometimes I choke with on-coming tears when i see scattered footprints printed on the beach. If through this book of time, one can be comforted in a time of distress..may one tears of happiness be drop of sparkling delight" -L( A child writing a diary with pictures)

p/s; admins blog sedang mengadakan perbincangan untuk adakan something like contest, challanges and whatsoever. nanti akan diberitahu! ;)

With that, thankyou.

                                                      by;myungieyra (A child writing a diary with babbling non stop lol )

Skin made by Yeza리키 and background from subtlepatterns.